Thursday, March 9, 2017

Strawberry Water

Waste not, want not, right?! I hate to waste food. I'm not sure if this is something that was always apart of me or if trying to be thrifty helped it along.

I am sad when I see the pile of peelings, rinds and pits especially mango pits! Why do they have to be so big? I want more out of those dang things. But I digress, I usually try to find ways to use it all by adding to stocks or sauces, drying them or really anything I can think of. As for those mango pits those always went to my babies. They would slurp every last juice bit off those and still do even though they are not babies anymore.

On a trip to Chicago years ago the hotel had in the lobby a huge jug of water filled with strawberries. I pretty much thought that was the most delicious thing I had ever drank. I was pregnant at the time so my view on this may have been a little skewed. ðŸ˜‰ So instead of using the whole strawberry and then not being able to eat it after why not just use the tops and have the same results. Of course you could always add them to smoothies.  But today we are talking about water. 

The water is amazing! It is refreshing with the essence of sweet, fresh strawberries.

So wash them mitts, lets get cookin'.

Strawberry Water

This is not so much a recipe as a tip.

Take all the extra strawberry tops, put them in a large mason jar or picture and fill with water. Leave in fridge for a couple hours or overnight. Drink and enjoy.
You can refill the water a few times but don't keep them longer then two days.

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