Thursday, March 16, 2017

Coconut Almond Granola

Coconut, almond granola. Doesn't that just sound amazing. Its loaded with goodness from hemp, flax, chia seeds, oats and anything else you can imagine. It is one of those things that can quickly become addictive.  It is so fast to put together and your house smells so great.  It is a great snack to take to friends, just bundle it up with some yogurt and fruit and you have saved their breakfasts.

Yogurt, fruit, smoothie, smoothie bowl, milk, handful... you pick your favorite partner for this granola.

So wash them mitts, lets get cookin'.

Coconut Almond Granola

3c oats, rolled
1/4c flax seed, ground
1/4c hemp seed
1/4c chia seed
1/2c almonds, slivered
3/4c shredded unsweetened coconut
1/2c coconut oil, melted
1/2c honey, softened

Preheat oven to 350F
In a large bowl throw all ingredients in and mix well. Yep, that's it. If you want to get really crazy throw in a half teaspoon of coconut extract and a pinch of sea salt.
Place on a parchment covered cookie sheet and evenly distribute. Bake for 20 minutes until golden on the edges. Remove from oven and let cool before stirring so you can have some nice big chunks. Enjoy!

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