Monday, April 3, 2017

Greenest Green Smoothie

When I say green smoothie I don't mean I throw in a handful of spinach.  This is the real thing loaded with all the fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and all the greens to alkalinize your body for better health. If you do start to drink this on a daily basis make sure you are rotating your greens to avoid alkaline build up. 

I really love this smoothie and the more I have it the more I crave it.  It makes me smile when I drink it because I know I'm doing so much good for my body.   This will make a big batch that can last 2-3 days.  So drink half today and you have one ready for you bright and early tomorrow morning.

So wash them mitts, lets get cookin'.

Greenest Green Smoothie

1 1/2 c Coconut water or water
6-7c Greens, use a combinations of any or all of these (celery, spinach, kale, chard, broccoli, cucumber, dandelion greens, cabbage, romaine)
1 1/2c Pineapple, frozen or fresh
1-2 Oranges, rinds removed
1-2 Tbsp. of each add in that you desire. Ideas include, chia seeds, coconut oil, hemp seeds, aloe vera juice, freshly ground flax, wheat bran, oats, bee pollen, nuts or other seeds etc..

Throw it all in the blender and let it go. Serve and enjoy!

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